Get to Glasgow

For 2021, six families from Northamptonshire in the UK set themselves a challenge: to walk, run, cycle or scoot the distance from their home to the COP26 UN climate change conference in Glasgow, finishing just in time for world leaders to arrive in Scotland this November.

Their journey will take them 353 miles – not actually to Glasgow, but around their local area – and more and more people are signing up to join them as they learn together how to respond to the climate crisis. Around 300 people are now taking part, from all around the UK and from Australia and Canada too.

‘It’s very humbling as momentum has increased without us doing anything other than spending time outside and talking about God and our place in it all.’ says Hannah Persaud. ‘It’s very much a shared pilgrimage – we reflect, listen, learn and pray as we travel together, even though we may be apart. The kids are fully involved and there have already been some very moving stories of connection and lifestyle change, and God moving in people’s hearts as we gently journey on each week, all at our different paces, all in our different spaces, out in creation and open to what He shows us.’

You can join in from wherever you are. Or show your support with a donation to A Rocha UK.

Photo by Henry Xu on Unsplash
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