A Rocha’s approach is to promote the enjoyment, care and sustainable use of the earth’s precious resources, encouraging the development of appropriate skills in response to the needs of local communities.
A Rocha’s EE programme contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Education is the cornerstone to achieving the SDGs and SDG 4 specifically – “Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.”
A Rocha has been working in environmental education for over 30 years. In 2022 we held 1,705 activities globally, involving 48,839 participants of all ages, including community events, workshops, teacher training, wildlife clubs, summer camps and school visits.
“We recognize that environmental education has become an essential component of education equal to reading, writing and arithmetic.”
The Economics of Biodiversity: The Dasgupta Review, HM Treasury, 2021
We contribute towards the Sustainable Development Goals 1, 2, 3, 5, 9, 11, and 12, but also work with the private and public sectors.
We work towards the Sustainable Development Goals 1, 3, and 15 for Life on Land with projects around the world and people of all ages.
We work towards the Sustainable Development Goals 2, 3, 6, and 12.
We work towards the Sustainable Development Goal 14 for Life Below Water.
We work towards the Sustainable Development Goals 7 and 13 for Climate Action working directly with students and households as well as indirectly through capacity development.
We collect, produce and share many publications, lesson plans and other supporting resources for A Rocha Environmental Education activities. Some of them can be found on the A Rocha Resource Hub
PLEASE HELP US! Through ‘Gifts With a Difference’ at shop.arocha.org you could provide a Kenyan student to attend the ASSETS camp: a unique adventure, discovering the wildlife of the local coral reefs and rockpools, dry coastal forests and mangrove-fringed creeks.
A Rocha Kenya’s ASSETS programme meets the economic and social needs of communities living around the Arabuko-Sokoke Forest through the provision of secondary school scholarships. The forest is the largest remnant of a dry coastal forest that originally stretched from Somalia to Mozambique and is globally recognized for its rich biodiversity. Through the programme, children and their parents learn about the global significance of their local environment and become involved in practical conservation activities.
One of the goals of ASSETS is to mentor beneficiaries so that they can become Kenya’s future conservationists. So, during the April and August school holidays, selected students are invited to take part in the ASSETS camp and treated to all the good food and hospitality that Mwamba (the A Rocha field study centre) has to offer. The week is packed with activities: games, talks and outings to the forest and Mida Creek. The students also explore the reefs and rockpools of Watamu Marine National Park, which for most of them, is their first opportunity to swim or snorkel.