Welcome to A Rocha
The international family of Christian conservation organizations

A Rocha is a global family of conservation organizations working together to live out God’s calling to care for creation and equip others to do likewise.

Nature conservation

Through residential field study centres and our site-based projects we carry out ecological monitoring and research in areas of high value for wildlife.

A Rocha_icons_Church engagement

Church engagement

We support Christians for environmental action through conservation projects, resources for churches and involvement in global networks.

Environmental education

We encourage appreciation of nature and participation in its conservation, through environmental education and community outreach.

Nature conservation

Through residential field study centres and our site-based projects we carry out ecological monitoring and research in areas of high value for wildlife.

Church engagement

We support Christians for environmental action through conservation projects, resources for churches and involvement in global networks.

Environmental education

We encourage appreciation of nature and participation in its conservation, through environmental education and community outreach.

Where we work

  Friends of A Rocha
  A Rocha Organizations

Field notes podcast is back! With one or two changes, but still the same themes of conservation and hope through a wide lens. From conservation scientists and explorers, to artists, entrepreneurs and theologians. They have hopeful stories to tell.


We're back! Listen now...

Field notes podcast is back! With one or two changes, but still the same themes of conservation and hope through a wide lens. From conservation scientists and explorers, to artists, entrepreneurs and theologians. They have hopeful stories to tell.

Home for All

Join us in caring for God’s creation, great and small. Across the mountains, seas and skies there is a home for all.

Join us in caring for God’s creation, great and small. Across the mountains, seas and skies there is a home for all.

Creation care resources for
churches, educators and individuals

Creation care resources for churches, educators and individuals

Latest news

Connecting to care for our common home: The Oikos Network

The Oikos Network brings together Christians from around the world who are passionate about caring for the environment and tackling climate change in their churches ...

Protecting understudied species before it’s too late

In the Indian River Lagoon, a heron vaults from the shallows, while anhingas dry their wings on the rocks. Shads, minnows, sardines and killifish pierce ...

Tackling the enormous impact of tiny plastics

If you have ever attended a beach cleanup, you have likely found all sorts of plastic and other waste littering the shore. Straws, wrappers and ...

Finding climate solutions in nature

Should climate action come before biodiversity conservation? In the words of our friend and climate scientist, Katharine Hayhoe, indigenous groups, communities of colour and the ...

Building resilience, reducing carbon footprint

‘Releasing children from poverty in Jesus’ Name’: that’s the mission of Compassion Netherlands. Years ago, Compassion Netherlands realized that combatting poverty has a strong link ...

Re-imagining a new way to care for and protect people and nature

In June 2024, A Rocha International funded and facilitated a three-day Environmental Education (EE) Teachers’ Workshop and a five-day EE Conference at Mwamba Centre, Watamu, ...

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We would love to keep you updated by email with new videos and inspiring stories from around the world, as well as opportunities to get involved and make a difference.

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