A Rocha Associated Projects

A Rocha Associated Projects are bringing creation care to their communities at a local or regional level. Already three projects have joined the worldwide family: in Nigeria, the Philippines and in Sweden.

Christians in Conservation Philippines

Christians in Conservation Philippines, an A Rocha Associated Project, is contributing to the restoration of Philippine forests through its Tree-Bute programme. This project plants trees to commemorate milestones and creates forest parks and nurseries of endemic and native trees. The team carry out research, development and education and mobilize churches. 

The Philippines is a megadiverse country and one of the world’s biodiversity hotspots. The country ranks fifth in overall number of plant species. Almost half of the Philippines’ terrestrial wildlife species can only be found here. The country was originally covered with lush tropical forests; now, only about 7 million hectares of forests remain, out of a total land area of 30 million hectares. 

The primary focus of Christians in Conservation is to mobilize Filipino Christians to take an active role in caring for creation particularly in conserving the Philippine forest. In February 2020, CIC officially became the Creation Care Commission of the Philippine Council of Evangelical Churches.

Find out more about Christians in Conservation Philippines

Eden Creation Care in Nigeria

Eden Creation Care Initiative (EDEN) is a faith-based, non-profit, conservation organization based in Jos, Nigeria that helps communities protect areas important for their biodiversity, through educational programmes and scientific research. They are currently running two conservation projects:

Rennajj Fish Farm is a comparatively small area of well demarcated privately owned land, covering 80 hectares. It is on the fringes of the Jos metropolis, and suburban development is currently proceeding close to about half of the farm perimeter. The most significant habitat there is wetland. It regularly holds numerous species of herons and waders, whilst gulls, terns and Ospreys are occasional visitors. Appropriate management and protection of the area could potentially increase species diversity considerably.

Mushere Forest (Dulu area of Kadim in Mushereland) has a total area of 40-50 square kilometers. The aim of this project is to provide effective protection for one of Northern Nigeria’s most severely threatened habitats: forest. The area has been selected because damage to the forest is less severe than in many other areas, and difficulty of access makes protection more feasible than elsewhere.

Visit the Eden Creation Care Initiative website

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