
Field notes – issue 68

'Home for all' – June 24

Annual Review 2022-2023

View and download this summary of A Rocha’s work, projects and activities in 2022-2023

Field Notes – issue 67

'Celebrating 40 years!' -
April 2023

Annual Review 2021-2022

View and download this summary of A Rocha’s work, projects and activities in 2021-2022

Field Notes – issue 66

'Speaking up for nature' -
April 2022

Field Notes – issue 65

'Creation-friendly farming' - December 2021

Annual Review 2020-2021

View and download this summary of A Rocha’s work, projects and activities in 2020-2021

Field Notes – issue 64

'Endangered species' - April 2021

Annual Review 2019-2020

View and download a summary of A Rocha’s work, projects and activities in 2019-2020

International News – issue 63

'Climate Change' - April 2019

International Review 2018-2019

This review will give you a taste of some of A Rocha’s work around the world from 2018/2019

International News – issue 62

'Environmental Education' - April 2018

International Review 2017-2018

This review will give you a taste of some of A Rocha’s work around the world from 2017/2018

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