In 2021, A Rocha Netherlands launched a free education resource aimed at primary schools, with 16 lessons about wildlife, climate and faith. The lessons, and the related eco-adventure story, were written by Petra Crofton, a biologist and friend of A Rocha since 1998.
This exciting and adventurous story revolves around a girl who has strong environmental ideals, but encounters challenges. She has won a trip to Ecuador with her class, but does she really want to get on the plane? The book is a sequel to the successful Science Geek Sam and his secret logbook, and introduces a range of environmental themes.
The educational programme consists of 16 themed lessons for children to learn about themes such as science, creation and climate in a fun, interactive way. From bird migration to echolocation, from plastic soup to organic farming to questions like ‘How bad is the climate crisis?’, ‘What does the Bible say about caring for creation?’ and ‘What can we do ourselves?’, teachers can choose which topics to cover.
Visit the website in Dutch www.lespakketchristi.nl to download the lessons for free, with bonus material including recipes, quizzes, and YouTube videos, and more. To make a real difference to the environment, schools can support A Rocha projects! There are three A Rocha projects on the website which relate to children’s experiences.
The English website is going live in February 2022: www.wildandwonderful.uk.
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We would love to keep you updated by email with new videos and inspiring stories from around the world, as well as opportunities to get involved and make a difference.