From Pulpit to Plowshare

While studying for a degree in Agribusiness Management, Vincent discovered a passion for discipleship and ministry and assumed he would be leaving agriculture behind. He writes, ‘I thought ministry was only about the pulpit.’  

His younger self would have been surprised to discover he now leads A Rocha Kenya’s Farming God’s Way programme. This agricultural approach focuses on increased food production for humans as well as the well-being of the whole ecosystem. The soil is undisturbed (zero tillage), its surface is covered with dead leaves and other biodegrading matter (mulching) and a diversity of species is encouraged through crop rotation. Farming God’s Way takes its inspiration from biblical principles. Those teaching it in Africa say the greatest cause of hunger is waiting for the rains to come before planting. Farming God’s Way takes into account the many rhythms God wove into creation – day and night, seasons and lifespans: everything done in its proper time.  

Working with churches, Vincent and his team teach Farming God’s Way to empower community members, often living in conditions of real hardship, to be able to obtain better productivity from their farms, and in so doing to respect and care for the rest of God’s creation around them. 

Over time, Vincent says, ‘I have come to see ministry differently. A Rocha Kenya’s mission statement captures in lucid terms what I’m being shaped to walk – “People transformed; nature conserved.”’ 

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