Corals bounce back

Coral bleaching is one of the biggest threats to reefs around the world and one of increasing concern as abnormally hot weather events become more frequent. 

In Kenya’s Watamu Marine National Park, the latest severe bleaching event took place in 2020. A Rocha Kenya’s marine team has been working with Kenya Wildlife Service, using permanent quadrats (randomly selected one-metre square samples of habitat), to collect data on four coral reefs in the reserve. Coral care packages purchased through A Rocha’s Gifts with a Difference have helped enable these reefs to be monitored for over three years, which is starting to yield some encouraging results. Although some corals died, many survived and appear to be more robust and resilient to the climate pressures they are facing. This gives us hope that Watamu’s corals may be adapting to cope better with heat stress. 

Dr Benjamin Cowburn partnered with A Rocha scientists to present results of this research at the recent International Coral Reef Symposium. The research suggests a way forward to identify threats that keep the reefs from thriving and proposes rewilding through coral gardening, using local species that have adapted to the bleaching events. Exciting times lie ahead for our work in protecting and restoring coral reefs in Kenya! 

You can shop for coral care packages at Gifts with a Difference to help us learn more about how corals are responding to bleaching events and produce appropriate management recommendations to protect the reefs in the future. 

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